Photo albums

It may be a digital world, but we are still humans who love to touch. A photo book is something you can hold, feel the texture of the pages, and pass it along to someone else.

The photos capture everyday life, the life that takes place in public spaces at a certain time and place. Human moments in daily life situations are the focus of the theme.My style is a mix of reportage and documentary.On the one hand flâneur and on the other hand concerned photographer.

About an ongoing photographic project in which I capture life in my hometown of Bruges (Belgium)

Me, myself and the X100F

The images emphasize the banality of our existence. What are we not all concerned with? Even in a historic and beautiful city like Bruges, we are concerned with our small-mindedness.

Available on Amazon: US - VK- DE - FR - NL - CA

Bruges day-to-day life

In an ongoing project I capture life in my native city of Bruges.
My style is a mix of reportage and documentary.
On the one hand flâneur and on the other hand concerned photographer.

Available on Amazon: US - NL - UK - JP - CA - AU - FR

Promenading in Bruges

Bruges, the capital of West Flanders in northwest Belgium, is distinguished by its canals, cobbled streets and medieval buildings.

An ongoing photo project in my hometown Bruges

My photos capture everyday life, the life that takes place in public spaces at a certain time and place. This form of photography documents mankind in his environment. It does not capture the great events, but rather is a patchwork of details. It is the small events that together outline a ‘zeitgeist’. By compiling the photos of a certain period and place, you get a good sketch of the ‘condition humaine’. All together they show how people lives and looks in a certain period in a certain place. Some photos are timeless, but most can be distracted by that ‘zeitgeist’.

Available on Amazon: US - VK- DE

Slideshows of the photos published in the books can be viewed here

A flânerie journey

A project of a year's photography (2022) in my home city of Bruges

Photo journalistic images of people in everyday life and the theme focuses around human moments in daily life situations.

Available on Amazon: US - NL - UK - JP - CA - AU

Slideshows of the photos published in the book can be viewed here